Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Practical magic

I'm reading the book Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell. Last night on TV, my background noise while writing was the movie Practical Magic (one of my all-time favorites).

It may not be all about the timing, but it might be a lot about the timing. When the path you're on, and the place you're heading are lined up, what difference does a traffic light make?

It changes the people you come into contact with. It changes the speed at which you arrive. And if you think thirty seconds can't make a difference, try getting through a traffic light thirty seconds after it's changed...

Timing changes the weather--it can be the difference between a sunny day in the park and taking shelter with a complete stranger under a picnic pavilion during a lightning storm. It can be the difference between getting someplace "on time" or being locked out...and going to do something else for an hour.

It can mean missing your plane...or getting on it just in time to sit next to the one person you most needed to talk to, whether you knew it or not.

It's being available for a free-lance job, or having already agreed to go to Morocco with that cute soccer player.

It's answering the phone, or missing the call.

It's being late for work, or having five minutes to kiss your partner good morning...thus getting your entire day off to a good start.

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