Monday, August 31, 2009


There are days when it is easy for us to shut down. Perhaps it's even justifiable. We're tired, we're busy...sometimes, it's all we can do just to take care of us, never mind everyone else.

But what happens if we push just a little bit to make room for something--anything--that isn't just "us." A smile for a stranger--or a friend. A thank you, or congratulations--with meaning!--when it's tempting to wait until tomorrow.

Or bigger--ten minutes (or thirty seconds, I'm not picky) of concentrated effort, visualizing all that is good in our lives, when all we really want to do is collapse into how much it sucks.

'Cause sometimes it sucks. Sometimes it's just easier to lie in bed and not bother. Or to open a bottle, or a box of chocolates. To shut down and numb whatever is going on in your feelings, because sometimes, you're just beat. Sometimes, you just need a break, and that's okay. But sometimes, the break you need is hidden in being willing to open up instead of shutting down.

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