Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Intention: Let go

In a discussion about personal power recently, a friend used this analogy: you're letting someone else drive the bus. Another friend added: yes, but I want the driver to go where I want to, with my a/c setting, my radio station, a stock of my favorite snacks, and....

Not everything in life is in our control. In fact, I once saw this comment (I think on whitehottruth.com): living an inspired life means giving up control to a power larger than ourselves. It's not only not all within our control, it shouldn't be.

So where do we draw the line? In letting someone/something make decisions for us, where is the line between giving up power and giving up control? Or drifting? It's easy to say it's giving up power when there is another person involved (who's driving your bus?), but don't we sometimes give up power when we claim to be following our inner guidance? (That might be a power grab, actually, but I think that's a topic for another day on the journey.)

There's an old saying: let go and let God. But "God's will" has also served as an excuse.

So how do you distinguish between giving up and letting go?

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