Sunday, August 9, 2009

Intention: Allow imperfection

Pot, meet kettle.

Judgment is a blade we wield against ourselves as often as we do other people. We do it instinctively. Who am I to (fill in the blank)? Who are you to (fill in the blank)? You're eating what??????????? (I've been known to apply this one while catching random travel/food shows.)

But you know what? Judgment slows us down. Keeps us from loving, keeps us from living. What was I thinking? I could never (climb a mountain, write a novel, post an inspirational thought)...I need to lose forty pounds, I have nothing to say, I'm not PERFECT.

As though perfect gets anyone anywhere. It's the journey that's interesting, never mind the destination. As much learning and growing and fun to be had in the practicing, in the work, in the loving and living as in the thought of lying on my/your/our deathbed saying "well, I finished my bucket list."

When we allow imperfection, we allow ourselves to take chances, to risk the person we used to be on the person we want to be.

1 comment:

  1. Allowing imperfections...this is a hard one for me. But because I am a rebel, there are my imperfections, scattered all over the place, scattered throughout the house, and throughout my life. The mess on my desk, my journal not kept regularly, my daily schedule not kept, etc. I married an imperfect man, too.Imagine that! Every now and then, when I am tempted to allow myself exasperation that his remodeling tools are all over the place, I have only to look around and realize we are good mirrors and I have plenty of my own messes to clean up.

    Thanks for the reminder.
