Friday, September 23, 2011

Weekend practice: back to synchronicity

What happens when synchronicity doesn't pan out? That is, you have this intention, or this desire, or even a big fat clue, and seemingly synchronous events are happening, and they aren't going anywhere? Now what? You're meeting people, ideas are popping, suggestions are flowing in from multiple sources, and ....nothing.

You know what? I'm not going to tell you what I think. I'm going to ask you what YOU think.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

When stuff starts glowing

Saturday's major synchronicity—and this relates directly to yesterday's closing paragraph—was this: I was reading a book, and, because I'm in the middle of three on similar topics, I don't remember which one it was...something by Sanaya Roman. An exercise in this book had to do with imagining yourself infused with light, and imagining the objects around you infused with the same light. Then I went off to teach dream interpretation. I got to my location and because I was a little early, checked my Twitter feed. There was a tweet by Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson—in case you want to follow her) suggesting imagining this same practice: infusing objects around you with light as a daily practice, throughout the day. Looks like I'm on to something. Today (I admit, this is Sunday), Hiro Boga (@hiroboga), as I'm checking to make sure I have Marianne Williamson's Twitter ID correct, is tweeting about letting your soul's presence radiate...which is also key to this practice that I've been doing. Huh. I follow these two brilliant women on Twitter for very different reasons, although the reason I'm drawn to them out of all the choices is much the same, so when they're talking about two angles of the same thing I'm investigating through someone completely different....I'm listening.

And looking to see what glows in resonance.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Resonance and synchronicity

Events update: don't forget, In Your Dreams is tonight at 7pm at 1412 Trovillion in Winter Park. Email me if you need parking information.

An event: a meeting, a piece of information, an option, an idea that is synchronous has a sort of energy about it. If you've seen the movie version of Celestine Prophecy, you may remember the scenes where things start glowing as the hero is drawn to the synchronicities that further his intentions. As a rule, when you're walking around town, you probably aren't going to see things lighting up (but see tomorrow's post), and when you're looking for synchronicities, you're paying attention to a lot of different things: instinct pulling you strongly in one direction, even though you'd planned to do something else; a chance sentence in an overheard conversation that makes you listen a little harder; dreams that seem important, even if you can't put your finger on why.

Imagine that that energy is radiating just a bit stronger because it's resonating with your intention. So whether you see it or feel it, you're tapping in because—well, I was going to compare it to a telephone that's on a party line, but then I feel let's go with a search engine. You type in what you're looking for, and results are returned, the most relevant ones (or at least the ones the search engine THINKS are the most relevant) at the top. That's synchronicity (although in this case, it's manufactured synchronicity. True synchronicity would be getting a search result that gives you an answer to a question you didn't think you'd get from a computer search engine.).

On a deeper level, synchronicity brings to us events, people, ideas, and suggestions that answer bigger questions (like: why am I here, what's my soul purpose, how can I heal?) because while intention may be involved, these bigger questions relate to soul purpose, and thus the answers resonate on a soul level.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Resonance, not rejection

Several years ago, reading Jack Canfield's Success Principles, I came across this gem of advice: there is no such thing as rejection.

Sure. How does that work, again?

Well, if I remember Canfield's proposition correctly, the idea is this: we ask someone for a favor, or we ask someone on a date, or we send off that treasured manuscript or ask for advice about putting into practice a fabulous idea that will change the world (if we only knew what to do with it!), or what-have-you. And we get a 'no.' Even if it isn't accompanied by hysterical laughter, it might as well be. We're crushed. (Most of us are. Or we've been there at least once. Or we simply don't care what others think, in which case we're probably undiagnosed sociopaths and have another set of problems. Everyone's got issues. But I digress.) The thing is, we get that 'no' and we feel like we've lost something, but Canfield points out that you can't lose something you never had, so when you present the idea or invitation, the only thing 'no' does is keep you from moving forward in the way you imagined at exactly that time with that person.

Okay. I guess that works. Kind of hard to keep in mind, though, when your brain is spinning with multiple voicings of the word 'but.'

Last week, several of us were discussing our visions and how we were bringing them into being at the latest CFES meetup. One of our group had given us a visual that reflected how soul resonance might work—how we're drawn to people who resonate with us, and perhaps we merge our paths for a time, or maybe we're drawn to people for just a moment, before going on our separate ways.

And it hit me: if we can hold a vision of soul resonance, of understanding that we're drawn to each other for different times and different reasons, how might that change our feelings of being rejected, of lack, of loss? Imagine being so in touch with your soul's purpose, that you recognize that there is also purpose in every action, every meeting—and that "rejection" is just a sign that your soul isn't resonating with that person, that action. It may be that what you are doing or feeling or seeking is exactly right, but the timing isn't lining up just so, or the other people involved are resonating at a frequency that's just slightly off balance from you can appreciate what is, instead of needing it to be all-important, or needing it to be what you originally thought it was.

Monday, September 19, 2011

This week's practice: acting on synchronicity

A couple of weeks ago, a friend suggested I take a particular action in regards to my interest in soul families: in essence, asking to attract more of my soul family into my daily life, and seeing what happened. It didn't occur to me until this past Saturday that several things that came into my life over the past week or ten days were directly related to the nature of my request. Because what happened isn't really the point, suffice it to say that I had a couple of resources fall into my lap, met a couple of really interesting people, and found some new practices and insights into how we can manifest our vision of the world that is becoming into the world that is. what?

Happens a lot, doesn't it? A synchronous event occurs, we are aware of it, and...we let it drop, because while the idea of synchronicity is really cool, there are any number of reasons to let it go. We're afraid to talk to that person we've run into three times in the past week (especially if we don't know them!), we hesitate to ask for a favor or the support that could result in the resources to act on the opportunity that's clearly knocking, we're afraid that...well, we're afraid. Of looking foolish, of being wrong, of all sorts of things. Sometimes, we just don't know what the next step is.

This week's practice, for me, is to find a way to move forward, even if it's the smallest of baby steps.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

This week's practice: miracles

This week's practice: miracles. Noticing them, accepting them.

But what's a miracle? And how do you see them? Do you see them only when they're big and obvious, and happening to someone else? Or somewhere else? What I'm getting at is this: do you only see miracles as an observer (and I don't mean observer in the Buddhist sense), and if you see them when they're engaging you, what do they involve? Money? Lucky escapes?

I think that when we look for miracles, we may or may not see more of them, but by bringing awareness to what we think are miracles, we may find out something about ourselves in the process.

I'm taking a page out of a friend's book (so to speak) and starting a 100 day miracle project. One miracle a day expected and noted (I have a miraculous Moleskine notebook set aside for this project).

But inquiring minds want to know: what do you see as a miracle?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Accepting uncertainty: taking it off the cushion

One of the things we learn through meditation is how to sit with change. Thoughts arise and float away. Aches and pains arise, and then disappear when we release the discomfort and come back to the breath. Nothing is permanent.

Accepting impermanence, off the cushion, we're able to step back from conversations (with ourselves or others) and situations and breathe into the fact that they aren't permanent either. Even if you're stuck in traffic on I-4 at rush hour and it feels that way. We come back to the breath, and observe as the emotions we're holding release, and the situation becomes fluid. It does that, even if we try to hold on to it.

Accepting impermanence off the cushion—that is, that impermanence is the state whether we're meditating or not—we then can recognize that uncertainty is a part of impermanence.

Accepting that uncertainty is part of impermanence, we can accept it as part of the dharma—the practice off the cushion—and we can ease into NOT having to have a road map for every thing we're doing. We can accept that there's this "yes, do this" from Divine Source, and that we may not know every bit of how it's going to play out just now.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Accepting Power

So what happens when we are told we CAN do something?

A lot of people react more positively to negative attention: that is, tell them they cannot do something and they'll try everything they can think of, and then invent more ways, to prove you wrong. Right now, that's not who (or what) I'm talking about. I'm talking about those times you, in meditation, contemplation, or prayer, get a resounding "yes," and then proceed to prove the Divine wrong.

This happens less when we're looking for an answer to a question we can—and probably already have—logically answer, and more when we're being asked to break out of our current paradigm and shift into someone we don't think we've ever been before: a healer, a leader, a teacher (without a lesson plan), an artist (a writer!) who changes lives and changes reality. It's not necessarily a question of self-esteem, although it certainly can be. I think it's deeper than that: it's the idea that we don't think we're anyone special or significant and that making those kinds of changes requires that we be so.

Again, this may not be an issue of self-esteem: you may consider yourself absolutely brilliant at any number of things except this one thing you've been called to. So when you feel that yearning to do something, you reject the first things that come to mind because they're not practical, or you think you're not psychic enough, or trained enough, or have enough training, or enough spiritual practice, or whatever. And when you meditate, you hear "this is right," and then immediately react with "I'm making this up." (I am the queen of thinking I've made stuff up, so I know whereof I write.)

But this week, we're practicing acceptance. Don't bother trying to talk yourself into it. Just accept it. Now what?

Monday, September 5, 2011

This week's practice: acceptance

Note: scroll down to Sept. 2 post for upcoming events

It seems like a lot of the discussion around the idea of "acceptance" focuses on accepting the negative: obstacles, "no," etc. The idea in most people's minds seems to be that we need help going with the flow when it (the flow) isn't going the way of our expectations. Which is often true.

But that's not what I'm talking about here—or at least, not entirely.

What about accepting what we say we want, but aren't at all sure we can have (or deserve to have)?

When I was teaching Practical Magic (visualization class), I would tell my students that my first rule of manifestation was to be careful what you ask for, because you ARE going to get it. The tricky part is recognizing it.

One of the challenges with accepting a "yes" is that it doesn't always fit our expectations, although that's not always because we made assumptions that didn't play out. More often, I think, it's because we never really thought it would happen, and we aren't prepared.

This week's posts will all be about acceptance, so feel free to weigh in with comments here or on the Facebook page whenever you like (

Friday, September 2, 2011

Upcoming events

In Your Dreams!

Dreams can be:

This 2+ hour workshop is a highly interactive adventure in exploration and interpretation. We’ll discover the meaning of your dreams (and why those dream books just aren’t much help), dig into ways to consciously explore your dream world, use your dreams for communication with your highest self, get answers to your questions, and more. We’ll also overview the types of dreams, dream purpose, and lucid dreaming. Depending on the number of participants, workshop will run 2 – 2 ½ hours. $20

Two opportunities in September:

Saturday, September 17, 4 pm
Avalon, 1211 Hillcrest, Orlando

Wednesday, September 21, 7pm
1412 Trovillion Ave, Winter Park

(Trovillion is the side street on the south side of ABC Fine Wine & Spirits on 17-92 across from Winter Park Village). If you’ll be attending this one, please RSVP for parking information.

RSVP or questions to Lorena Streeter:

Also, my Tuesday evenings are now booked into the foreseeable future (and I hope you'll join me!). I'll be facilitating a couple of groups at Spiral Circle's Annex (Spiral Circle is on Thornton Ave and Park Lake St--just off Colonial and Mills in Orlando) three Tuesdays each month, at 7 pm. These groups are free to attend, but donations to the cause (aka "love donations") are gratefully accepted.

General info:
2nd and 4th Tuesdays: Central Florida Energy Shift Meetup. Exploring the changes our world is currently experiencing, and how we make conscious, spirit-based, changes toward that vision—whatever your vision is—of the “future.” Topics change, and I'll keep them updated here.Once I figure out a good way to do it, upcoming events will appear on the sidebar. 7 pm

1st Tuesday: Dreaming into being. Creating conscious change in our lives and the world through dreams, spiritual journeys and our own energy systems (including the chakras). Topics will change each month. 7pm

Specifically, the next few look like this:
September 13 and 27: Central Florida Energy Shift (CFES) Meetup: What is your vision for our evolving world? How are you bringing it into being in your own life?

October 4: Dreaming into being. What are you dreaming? Dream interpretation and practice with conscious dreaming.

If you have any questions, email me at