Friday, August 7, 2009

Intention: Joy

Danielle LaPorte, blogger and thinker extraordinaire ( is a big part of the inspiration behind this blog. Yesterday, she posted on the subject of happiness, titled "Unfetter your happiness."

Today's consciously sane intention: allow happiness, allow joy.

To me, 'joy' and 'happiness' are changing depths in the same pool. Happiness claims the surface, reflecting back, sometimes rippling with the movement of whatever else is going on. And like currents (hey, my pool is connected to a spring and a river and stuff; work with me), happiness doesn't just stay at the surface, it dips down, it swirls, it picks up the interesting bits as well.

Joy stakes the depths. Joy nurtures happiness from deep under, giving happiness something to feed off of, something to spin out of so that happiness doesn't rest on having a "good" day. Makes it deeper, more lasting, keeping it going through the dry spells.

Last thought: if we let ourselves be happy, what's the worst that can happen?


  1. Great way to start your blog, Lorena. Also a great way to start my day. Thanks for doing this and letting us know about it.

  2. Thank you! Gee, you're up early...have a wonderful, inspired day/weekend...

  3. This is just what I needed this morning! I miss you!!

  4. And remember, when you intentionally begin living a life of JOY...the absence of anger, fear, resentment and bitterness feels a little odd! Here I am, 3 years later wondering how I ever lived any other way! Push through in Joy. Push through with intentional happiness and watch the miracles! ~Bless You!

  5. Thanks for sharing this Lorena. Puts me in a better mindset and reminds me to tap into that deep joy that comes from connection with the divine/remembering the connection to the divine - a deep wellspring of Joy, bubbling up into the pond of happiness. :) - Jen T.

  6. Karen--glad I could start your day off nicely. I miss you too--you should come for a visit sometime :)

    Rai--yes-and how is it that we are sometimes (often?) scared off by the prospect of letting go of all those toxic feelings?

    Jen--exactly! And the more the spring is flowing, the cleaner, clearer, more ... well, more of everything...the water will be. If the spring gets clogged, the water goes stagnant...

