Sunday, August 30, 2009

A-ha moments and where to find them

Anybody who ever made a difference in this world went through a struggle to find their real purpose. Don't dump all over yourself if you are feeling lost and worthless. It's a sign you're looking for your path.

That's from today's Daily Kabbalah e-mail. Those daily "tune-ups" (their word) are nearly always a source of something to think on, and sometimes, like today, they provoke an "a-ha." This one did, coming hard on the heels of a couple of conversations (I hesitate to call them random, all things considered) in which the topic of finding one's purpose came up. Two conversations, yesterday evening, then this quote this morning.
Remember that synchronicity/awareness thing? Yeah.
But what does it mean? my logical mind interrupts. You aren't feeling lost and worthless.
No, I'm not. Both my logical mind and spiritual mind more or less agree. Or at least on the worthless part. I feel lost more often than I like--there's just so damn much to do and heal and complete. And then I realize how often the word "heal" comes up in my internal conversations. A-ha.
Or how I feel when having a conversation with someone (anyone) on particular subjects and they get it. A-ha.
Or when I wake up with a song in my head, and it's the first thing I hear on the radio. A-ha.
Or an experience--meditation last night, for example--that yanks me out of my expectations and drops me into something that is so perfect, it had to come from somewhere beyond me and my physical reality. A-ha.


  1. Looks like we have such an important part to play in each other's lives right now. I'm enjoying it very much. I wrote my blog for today before I read yours. I can see you smiling as you read mine like I smiled while I read yours and thought....

