Sunday, September 27, 2009

Meditation notes

I love the meditation circle that meets at Spiral Circle most Saturday nights (clarification: I love it always, it meets most Saturdays). It's a nice change of pace to go into a space prepared by someone else, meditate to music (usually at-home meditations are silent) chosen by someone else, and in a group of people who are 90% familiar to me, with some new energy added most weeks.

The faciliators have an absolute knack for choosing music that blows my mind, although I rarely remember to ask them what it was. There's been a lot of "space music" feeling to it lately (at least that's what it sounds like to me--very electronic-y, airy feeling) and it inevitably drops me into a space I hadn't planned to visit. I imagine it's a lot like using psychedelics (I never have), but without the side-effects. Last night, for example, I got to meditate/communicate in a blue-green waterfall that was like being surrounded by this mist of...well, that's about as far as the description goes. Absolute clarity in vision, answers to my questions (okay, so Spirit was doing this "all will be well" thing for most of them, but it worked), and a wonderful feeling of calm after a somewhat stressful week--it felt so good to relax into the experience. Since external stress is staying pretty ramped up right now, I may start meditating to music at home as well, see what effect that has.

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