Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Wow. A couple of things I just ran across -- one, Gwen Bell's post today on moving toward the heart of your work; two, a link from @zen_habits to a post at mnmlist.com on letting go of goals...there are days when things like this come spinning into your life and it's easier to grasp that they are important than it is to realize exactly what the importance is.

Except that there are lots of synchronicities whirling into my personal space right now that seem to simultaneously encourage me to let go of ...well, everything (yeah, today's Buddhism 101 reminder...I am SO not good at letting go), and open up to new possibilities that right now I can't quite put into words. Just...impressions. Of the importance of being whole (note: I love my day job, it's lots of fun, and I don't intend to leave it unless something much bigger comes along first, so I'm really looking at something that's in addition to...an expansion of my life energy) in what we say and do, including the stuff we do for pay and being able to be paid to exist (check out Jonathan Mead's The Zero Hour Workweek) (note: when I wrote this, the link wasn't working, but hopefully is soon--if I find a corrected link, I'll change it.).

Rumi running through my mind: let the beauty we love be what we do. There are a hundred ways to kneel and kiss the ground.

My epiphany the other day was how much I love telling stories--not just the ones I write, but everyone's. I love making a good story better, or brainstorming one from the beginning. Finding the story that resonates through the "facts," imagining the bigger story behind the obvious. Not necessarily spirtual, by the way--I love just as much looking at a newspaper story and creating a novel out of it! It's like taking a puzzel and putting the pieces together...

If telling a story is the heart of me, the heart of what I do, can my "zero hour workweek" be achieved through my writing? Is there an opportunity heading my way to do editing or story development? Is there a less mundane opportunity to be had creating spiritual stories or developing visions?

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