Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Part of my path in creating this amazing life I live is ... trust.

Trust that no matter what my plans, the right thing is happening at the right time.

Today I experienced that in a whole different way. It's now almost 9:30 p.m. My plans included a well, list...(we all know how I like lists). Almost none of it happened. Other things happened. So now I'm feeling pressure to cram five hours of work into five minutes of pre-bedtime. Which is silly, of course.

So I have to trust that the things that happened (largely outside my sphere of control--or even influence) are more important to my growth than the things I'd planned.

Maybe that sounds a little controlling--it probably IS. Maybe even a lot controlling. But after years of drifting, discipline is important and part of me is worried that not adhering to my "list" will result in more drift....

I trust not.

1 comment:

  1. Another thing we have in common. My Mom says I've been a list maker since I was a kid. I guess it has something to do with making order of chaos... or maybe control issues, for me. But regardless, it's who I am. Just as long as I don't let the list control me! Release...and allow....
