Thursday, September 3, 2009

Visualizing success

A friend did some work for me last week, because I was getting stuck in my own expectations. "I'm visualizing success and synchronicity," she said. Which was pretty funny, since I hadn't mentioned the word 'synchronicity'--or even the concept--in any of our recent conversations. So I took it as a good sign that she, at least, was visualizing on the right wavelength.

We know what we want (most of the time). We know ourselves, what suits us, what the path we walk ought to look like; no matter how far our present lives are from that path, that setting, we know what it should be.

We make lists. We make treasure maps. We visualize success. It works. Mostly.

I was reading some book or another once, and there was an exercise that asked you to visualize not the physical trappings of success (side note: success is always considered to be "success as defined by you"), but the emotional ones. How do you want to feel? Not in the sense of "imagine how you'll feel driving that expensive car," but "how will driving that expensive car contribute to the feeling you want to be surrounded with."

How do I want to feel, at all times, in my life? I want to feel independent, creative, certain, joyous. I want to feel curious and engaged with the world around me. I want to feel safe, able to handle easily anything life throws my way. Or maybe I want to feel energized, comforted, challenged....everyone has a slightly different list. Then, what surroundings (assuming I want to change my surroundings, whether physical, career-oriented, relationship-oriented, etc) do I visualize as supporting that?

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