Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Embracing obstacles

So first there was my sis pointing out that roses have thorns, but that doesn't stop them from being roses, and in fact, if they didn't have thorns, they'd probably be pale imitations of roses just to protect themselves (okay, I said it that way, she didn't, but that's my new interpretation of her "find joy" comment).

Then on Gwen Bell's blog today...there it was again. Of course, she was talking about detractors, trolls, whatever name you give the people who disagree with you, but the same principle.

And I'm a writer, so I know this.

It's tension. Life is a hell of a lot less interesting if there are no rocks in the road. The victory dance in the end zone is more fun when the runner had to make it past the entire front line (or whatever you call it...the problem with sports metaphors is you have to understand the sport!) to get there.

I'm not praising the problem, here, or telling you that you HAVE to suffer for your art. I'm just saying that the challenges have their place in our stories...we grow, we change, because we're forced even an inch out of our comfort zone.

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