Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Be willing to work for it

I'm sort of copying the post I just did on my writing blog--is that lazy? Especially in a post about work?

But, as noted yesterday, I'm reading the book Outliers--and not only does timing factor into success, argues Gladwell, so does work.

About 10,000 hours of it, dedicated to What You Want To Do (caps for a reason).

If your WYWTD is write, about 10,000--given a certain degree of talent to begin with--will bring you to the top of your writing game. Meditation? Interesting question, isn't it? Yoga?

Part of Gladwell's point seems to be that once you are good enough, the difference between the bottom and the top is work. Once you get into Harvard, the difference between you and all the other Harvard students is how much you're willing to work for WYWTD. An hour a day? Three hours a day? Eight hours a day?

Stephen King: Talent is cheaper than table salt. The difference between the talented individual and the successful one is a lot of hard work.

Open to inspiration, then be willing to work.

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