Sunday, September 13, 2009


We meditate to become more aware...and one of the things meditation teaches us in the process is how to listen.

Not to the external noises--they're often as distracting as the internal noise. We get caught by them, by the "I need," "you must," "this is what's important" messages from everyone and everything around us. Do this, watch that, buy such and such so your life will be complete.

When we listen--really listen--we hear a completely different set of messages. Sure, sometimes they begin with "you must." The difference between the "you must" of the outside and the "you must" of spirit is something you'll know immediately when you hear it, though. Or maybe you won't, and Spirit will continue gently (at first) knocking until you get around to opening the door. Spirit "you musts" won't let you say no for very long!

But the true messages resonate on a cellular level, and they're a lot easier to hear (and recognize) when we aren't distracted by the rest of them. Meditation, then, allows us to develop an ear for those quiet messages of spirit. We sweep away the clutter of all the other messages, and what's left is a beautiful silence. And then, through the silence, we hear what we were really meant to hear.

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