Monday, January 31, 2011

The voice of truth: the throat chakra

The throat chakra governs, as you might guess, communication. But more than that, the energy of this chakra is all about communicating truth. It's about building connection and community, about creativity, and it's key to accessing our psychic abilities (we usually think of the 3rd eye for this, but ....)

In a week or so, when we start looking at some of the other energy centers, we're going to take a long, hard look at the higher heart chakra, which rests between the heart and throat, bridging the two. In itself, though, the throat chakra could be considered a bridge between heart and brow. If the heart chakra connects us to others through love and compassion, the throat chakra connects us not only to others, but to a consciousness beyond the physical. Voice manifests ("in the beginning was the word") ideas; voice transfers ideas from spirit to physical reality when we communicate with others...we shape our reality through our throat. Blocked, says Alberto Villoldo in The Four Insights, this chakra can constrict our energy-focus to our family, our tribe. Open, we are able to connect to a greater "us." Communicate. Community.

It's not just talking, though, it's speaking truth. This is a chakra that is often shut down in women (especially in older generations and certain cultures), children, and others who are told they should be "seen and not heard." It's the chakra that's shut down when we're told physical reality is all we have, and we stop telling people about our non-physical experiences.

When we open the throat chakra, we allow the truth voice, and we share that truth with others. The chakra, by the way, also governs hearing. One way to shut down truth is to refuse to listen.

When you visualize this chakra, see it as a light to bright blue (the color of the lapis stone is perfect). When it spins, it glows brilliantly with the light of truth—your truth. If you've not done much clearing of this chakra, don't be surprised if your voice over the next few days feels rusty. But then again, maybe it will sound brighter and clearer than ever before. If you're using stones in your chakra meditations, a few good choices for this one are blue kyanite (my favorite—it's such a beautiful blue, especially if you find it tumbled and polished!), chrysocolla (which lends itself well to strength and balance in communication), lapis lazuli, sodalite (which also works well with the brow chakra, allowing truth to flow freely), and blue sapphires.

Have an amazing, blessed day!

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