Friday, January 7, 2011

I am willing for this to be perfect

If you aren't already following your dreams to their illogical conclusion (there's a point where logic is no longer applicable), chances are good that you have a deep, hard lesson to learn. I don't mean painful, just hard to internalize.


You are going to have to learn to trust your gut, your intuition, your guidance. Learn to trust that yes, you DO know when it's right--that it's not just wishful thinking. Trust that YOU can make a difference in the future of the planet (not to mention yourself!). Trust that taking risks will pay off.

My risk tolerance slope weighs heavily in favor of outcome. If there's an infinitesimal risk of something happening, but the disaster associated with the event is extreme, I'm not going to put it in my top 10 list, probably. Large chance of much smaller disaster is better--I'm usually thinking about what it's going to take to recover. Obviously I don't take this to extremes--I do get on airplanes, and of course I live in Florida where we do get the occasional hurricane. I, like most people, prefer the known to the unknown.

But to really live big, to live the paths of our dreams, we have to take some risks. Sometimes it helps to figure out just what is holding up your comfort zone and start there. Can't give speeches, but want to run for Congress? Start with your local Toastmasters club. Think people are going to laugh at you when you hang your shingle as a Reiki master? Start with word of mouth. Scared that you're going to get it wrong to begin with? That's a tough one.

What do you do when you're scared you're going to get it wrong from the start--that you actually can't DO the thing you want to do? The buddy system can work here. Do the work on yourself, your plants, your friends (with permission, of course) and then trust them to tell you the truth (even the plants). Connect with source on a regular (and  I don't mean semi-annual) basis. Let yourself do it right.

A thought/affirmation that popped into my head last night as I was running through the list in my head of everything I needed to do before moving today (moving house, not moving my feet), and the order and timing I wanted was this: I am willing for this to be perfect.

I am willing for THIS to be perfect.

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