Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The blessing of "no"

This is not to say that "no" in itself, as an answer, is necessarily a blessing. There are plenty of times when "no" is outright detrimental, in fact. But it brings a blessing with it, and that is this: being told "no" clarifies for us what we really want.

Got turned down for a raise? If it's money you really want, you'll go out and find it someplace else. If it's the security of a paying gig and benefits, you'll suck it up and go along until a gig with benefits that pays better lands where you can see it without much effort.

Can't find the money to get the Reiki master training you KNOW is your calling? (Lack of immediate resources is a "no.") If you really want the attunement (training is the easy part) you'll find another way...or come up with a creative way to find it.

To check in on this, the next time a thought crosses your mind (chakra training with Anodea Judith, which is on my personal list of "no"s to investigate), whatever makes it "no" (lack of funds), check in with how you feel (and where you feel it). Is it frustration? Why? Make a quick practical list of options to turn the "no" into a "yes." Same with other emotions like anger, sadness. Those are signs that you may be on to something. So is a feeling of relief, but this one comes with a tricky part (there's almost always a tricky part, remember?): why are you relieved? Is it because you can stay put? Are you accepting "no" because you're afraid to say "yes"?

Now, you may look at "no" as the Universe's way of telling you you're in the wrong place at the wrong time to do what you think you want to do, but don't use that as an excuse. If you truly believe that, and you truly want to live your biggest, most sane life ever, do everything you can to make your connection to Source as strong as possible. That way you'll know "no" when you see it, and it won't be an escape hatch to keep you from risking your current comfort zone.

I want to touch on some of these details in greater depth--probably tomorrow or the next day. My apologies--I overslept this morning and am running late, but wanted to get this thought out there. Your homework this week: ground, center, pay attention to "no."

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