Monday, January 10, 2011

Clearing Space

If our work includes being at peace with ourselves and our world (one of the effects of following our path), why would we need to clear our space? Shouldn't we just accept whatever is there?

Yes. And no.

Sometimes our space includes energies that are incompatible with ours. Sometimes those energies are there for our growth, but sometimes they just need to be dissipated. If your space feels murky, dark, angry or fearful, it needs cleansing.

Here's why: there's a pattern called "entrainment" (drummers are familiar with this), where patterns/energy/etc in a group may start out on different rhythms, but at some point the stronger energy draws the others into following it. Not only does this work for drummers, it also is one of the principles in healing: the healer's energy pattern of healing needs to be stronger than the client's pattern of illness (and yes, this does include herbs and medicines, since their energy patterns are built into them--remember, everything is energy linked to more energy). But back to your space.

We'll talk about personal cleansing at another time (maybe tomorrow, as long as I'm thinking about it)--suffice it to say it doesn't hurt to do it on a daily basis. But back to your space. Depending on where you live or who you live with, dark, angry, murky and fearful energies have plenty to feed on, including the energy sticking to you when you come home. No matter how clear and spiritual your space is in general, stuff seeps in if you don't attend to it. Especially with a new home, and especially if someone else has lived there, any number and type of energies may be sitting in the space you now occupy.

There are some simple ways to dissipate the unwanted energies: feng shui principles are designed to help. Doing a formal cleansing is helpful, but even informal cleansings will work. Ringing bells or even clapping (stirs the air) will dislodge these energies from corners and closets. Sage (follow with sandalwood, cedar, sweetgrass or lavender) will clear them. If you are worried about setting off the smoke detector, gently burn sage incense rather than bundles (less smoke) or even use a mister. Sophie's Potions, from Avalon ( makes some good ones--I especially like their anti-anxiety and spiritual cleansing mists. Windchimes are great for this, and so is your daily spiritual practice--the little things do add up. Avoiding things that bring with them those unwanted energies: I hate to sound like my parents, but let's face it--death metal does not rank among the world's happiest things. In other words, if you're concerned about clearing your space, the music you listen to, the TV you watch, the conversations you have and the people who come into your space all matter.


  1. the other day I was feeling overwhelmed by certain energies in our home: Much of the day, day in and day out, the radio is on and tuned to the local Seventh-Day Adventist station (music is usually OK but a large proportion of the time is spent on sermons, Bible commentary or just reading, etc.; I'm working on a Christian book with lots of Bible verses to look up; the town is Christian (OK, that's exaggerated); you get the picture. I often feel like I'm in the broom closet for the first time ever, and it's a narrow closet. I'm claustrophobic. Sometimes the negative thoughts begin (I am the way the Truth, etc.), and I want to counter them with my Truth, not get swallowed up in Christian dogma. I think I'll try more frequent reading of spiritual books and begin practicing more in small ways to acclimate Matthew so I can do more of it. Just venting has helped; thanks.

  2. Hmm...maybe a good opportunity for you to shed some karma or left-over anger from your past? Not to preach or tell you it's okay -- it's your space, too. But it is complicated by the fact that you want to respect your husband's path. And it's January :)

    Still, getting outside with no intent other than to connect, even once a day, will help. I know Matthew is sensitive to incense, but some aromatherapeutic misters might help--see if some sage oil in distilled water (shake well before spraying) helps--better yet, combine with a few drops of lavender. This should help boost your personal energy, making it easier to find the common ground. And maybe you could find some other music for a break--soft jazz, classical, old pop music or somthing. I'm sending you oils in your next care package, too--they're essential oils, and safe to wear like perfume.
