Friday, January 28, 2011

Straight to the heart (chakra)

Sorry--the last couple days got the better of me. I started a container garden on my balcony, and started sprouts this week, and that's taken up a bit of time--but the clover sprouts are amazing, and even the radish and broccoli are actually sprouting (a huge improvement over trying to sprout at my last place). This morning? One lone carrot top peeking out of the soil. I suspect the cool weather is slowing things down, but that's okay.

So mundane life was a bit hectic, the garden required a bit extra time, but that's life, and it gave me a little more time to think about what I wanted to say for our first look at the heart chakra.

As you could guess, the heart chakra is located right about where our physical heart is. The color associated with it on our rainbow ladder is green. The quality most closely associated with it is love. The heart chakra is sometimes referred to as a bridge chakra--part of its role in our energy is connecting the three lower chakras, which really place us in the world--our stuff, our relationships, our personal power, and the three upper body chakras (throat, third eye or brow, and crown) which start to connect us on a different level. It is here that we process emotions. And because 99.999% of everything is rooted in either love or fear, imbalances in this chakra can affect (or be created by) things going on in almost every other area of our lives.

I love this chakra (no pun intended). When it's clear and glowing, healing energy just floods your entire being and your life. It is, however, a chakra that is frequently out of balance, especially for women. When you're raised to place others' well-being above your own, others' opinions above your own, and others' feelings above your own, this chakra either shrinks or armors up to protect you, or expands until you have no recognizable emotional boundaries or emotional self-preservation: you're giving, giving, giving and never replenishing.

Not only our heart but our breath/lungs is governed by this chakra. In Chinese medicine, the lungs hold grief (think about this for a moment!). This is a great chakra to practice breathing into/through -- something we'll be talking about next week. For now, we'll stay with the practice of clearing through visualization. If you need reminders, go back to the post last Friday (?) on the root chakra, and review those suggestions. The color you should see when you go in and focus on this chakra is green. Imagine an emerald (an excellent stone for heart chakra work) in your chest. Other stones include seraphinite (a gorgeous mossy green), sugilite, green, pink or watermelon tourmaline (yes, it really looks like a cross-section slice). Rose quartz is a favorite of many people; calcites are good for clearing any chakra (match the color with the chakra), so pink calcite would be your choice here. Yes, it's not green, but the pink stones tend to associate with feelings of love as well.

Three more chakras in this section of the adventure ....

Have an amazing, blessed day!

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