Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Clearing space: using herbs

I suddenly have a stack of topics, but want to touch on space clearing a bit more, as promised last week. Over the years I've seen students, clients, and customers at various metaphysical shops head for one thing when they need to clear space: sage.

Sage is good. And no, it doesn't really smell like anything but itself when it's burning. You can get it in bundles, which you light and let smolder as you walk through your space; you can also buy looseleaf, which will burn for a shorter period. Please note that if you use a sage bundle, you need to be very careful in making sure it's extinguished when you're finished. I love the combinations of herbs you can find in the larger sage bundles, but please put it in a fireplace or similar fire-safe spot after you've extinguished it, just to be on the safe side. The only drawback to sage is that it will sometimes set off a smoke detector. If you're concerned about that, you can buy sage oil and create a mister, or buy a mister already made--there are some really good ones out there, including the Sophie's Potions Spiritual Cleansing Mist I've probably mentioned before (full disclosure: the creator of these mists, and the proprietress of Avalon bookstore is a friend, but I recommend her products because they're really good. I don't make a dime on them.).

The one thing I see people failing most spectacularly at when using sage is the follow-up. Sage is known to clear energies. While I think it leaves some residually higher vibration in the space, I don't think it leaves it strong enough to stand alone. Always follow saging (or smudging, as it's often called) with another herb that fills the space with the vibration you want, if not ritual or prayer or another form of manifesting spiritual intent--otherwise, you run the risk that you'll collect unwanted energies in the space. Sage is often paired with cedar or sweetgrass in incense or sage bundles, and this works beautifully. Sandalwood is also a good follow, so if you like the scent of nag champa, go for it. Lavender will bring peace. Most resins are great follows--copal, dragon's blood, and frankincense among them.

One of my favorites--but again, something designed to set off smoke detectors!--is palo santo, or holy wood. This has a wonderful sweet, woody scent traditional used by the Incas.

If you know what you like, and know its properties, most incense available will work--the ones listed above are among my favorites, and they're easy to find (palo santo is much easier to find than it used to be). The important thing to remember is that when clearing a space with sage (the same goes for your personal energy field) you've only done half the job.

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