Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The all-seeing eye

Chakra six – the brow, or third eye, chakra. The energy center of clairvoyance, of reception of divine communication. It's where we imagine—as I tell my creative visualization students, it's the movie screen behind your eyes. Open, the images flow. Blocked, we lose sight—literally—of our connection to the divine.

One thing you might be noticing about now is that although we usually talk about the chakras from the root up (an easy way to approach the clearing, too), the way the divine works is more like the top down: being a manifestation of the divine ourselves, we become an energetic channel for divine energy to flow downward from the Crown (and higher) chakra(s) into manifestation. The four lower body chakras are associated with the four physical elements: air (heart), fire (solar plexus), water (sacral) and earth (root) – in order of their physical density. The lower down we move, the more grounded we are. The higher we move, the less grounded and more clearly connected to divine guidance.

Anyone who's had a bad experience with traditional religious practices is probably going to find imbalance here, even if you've moved to a new understanding of spiritual practice because there's a good chance you're blocking any energy you associate with those experiences.

To clear this chakra, your visualization for the first time is going to move up (in your body), and instead of using your spine as a reference point, you're simply going to look at that place where you probably visualize or imagine most things—it's the same spot, in all likelihood, whether you're imaging the path you're on, and how that manifests, or imagining the scene in your favorite novel: the movie screen behind your eyes. Focus on that dark blue (indigo) ball of energy spinning in there. Sometimes this visual can be tricky, because we're used to putting all sorts of images there, but it can be done. To help you clarify, clear, and access the energy of this chakra, stones like iolite (my favorite: it's this gorgeous purply-blue with white streaks in it), lapis, sodalite, even moss agate (a lovely dark green-blue that looks like someone injected moss into clear quartz). Speaking of which, clear quartz works nicely here as well. Put a few around you, hold one in your hand(s) or even against your body. This chakra can present very cool experiences when you clear it, even as you're in the process. If you feel a little too open after, ground yourself and even eat or drink something to help center you in the physical.

Have an amazing and blessed day!

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