Thursday, February 3, 2011

Just breathe!

I realized after I published yesterday's (late!) post that the closing line was perfect to apply to today's comments. Another way to work on clearing and strengthening the chakra centers is to breathe into them.

I was first shown this exercise about 15 years ago by a friend who did chakra work as part of his therapy practice (he was the therapist, not the recipient). I loved it so much I've used it ever since as another--sometimes quicker--way to tap in and strengthen my energy connection to the chakras.

It's perhaps easiest to practice this with the natural seat of the breath (the heart chakra) or its close relative, the throat chakra. I say easier only because at first, there's a bit of visualization at play, and it's easier, I think, to visualize breath entering those areas than, say, the crown of your head or the base of your spine.

Close your eyes. No trance is required for this, by the way, but closing your eyes will help you focus, especially at first. With practice, it won't be necessary. For a few moments, simply breathe as you normally do. Gradually, though, bring your attention to your breath moving in your throat. Imagine that instead of breathing through your nose or mouth, you are breathing through the skin at the base of your throat, straight into your throat chakra. Visualize the blue of this chakra brightening when you breathe in. Perhaps it spins slightly faster, or with more stability. When you breathe out, perhaps it lightens, or stays bright, but becomes a clearer color. It's your chakra--don't take my description for anything other than a possibility! See what's really going on with you--that's the important part.

From the throat, it's probably easiest to breathe into the heart chakra in the same way, then continuing down until you reach the root. Then transfer your attention to the brow and crown chakras.

You may find yourself a bit disoriented after this, unless you're accustomed to doing breath work. If you are, give yourself a few moments to settle back into your body, then drink some water before you do anything else. And please, don't breathe and drive!

Have an amazing, blessed day, and don't forget to breathe!

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