Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My life is in the way of my Life know the old saying that life is what happens while you're making other plans? That's been the past several days—constantly on the go, and suddenly it's Wednesday and I haven't had time to even think of a useful blog post, much less write one (among other things). My life, as I said, is in the way of my Life.

Unh-unh. It's a great excuse, though, isn't it? Life, though, is just life—it's the stuff we do to fill the time until our real life starts, unless we wake up and decide to do it differently. When we let life "get in the way," we can take a step back and ask what's going on—what are we giving in to? Our fear of doing something bigger and bolder than we've ever done before? And what's with that crap? Weren't we past that?

We can, of course, accept that we are human, and there're going to be days when just being human is going to take all our energy. The important thing to realize is if those days are pulling us off our path—creating a new/old path for us, and whether the real problem is we're drifting back into the well-worn channel of our previous days, rather than doing the hard work of creating something new in our lives.

If I stay up too late—no matter the reason—and then don't want to get up at 5 a.m. to work out, or write, or meditate, or clear energy, or any one of the myriad activities I could engage in, it's time to ask why: do I need some downtime to process? (sometimes if you've been doing massive energy work, including clearings or some other type of energy shifting, you'll find you need more sleep for a few days, but that only works as a reason if you always stay up late and it's never been a problem before) am I avoiding working out, meditating, writing, or whatever it is I had planned for the morning? Depending on the activities of the evening before (heartfelt convo with your best friend vs. a Law and Order marathon) the question might be 'what was I avoiding last night?'

Life shouldn't be considered as "getting in the way." It's your life. It's either the stuff you fill time with, or it's the container for manifesting your purpose this go-round.

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