Thursday, October 8, 2009

Synchronicity part 'oh my god and goddess'

Today I ran into someone in a very crowded room (Southern Women's Show) doing something very interesting (energy work). The hemi-sync CDs caught my eye, since my favorite journeying CD is The Shaman's Heart. So I stopped to talk, ran into this guy, chatted a few seconds (a very few) and went on my way.

Tonight when I got home, I pulled out his business card and looked up the website of his organization. Went to the "about us" information and ... found that he and his partner in the organization are both members of a group I belong to. I've heard her name a dozen times, seen some emails from her, probably have seen some emails from him without noticing the name (since I'd never met either in person, but her name had come up in some discussions).  And here we were. Crowded room. Chance turn down the right aisle. Wow.

Going with the synchronicity on this one. No idea why we needed to meet, or what will come of it. I've been putting the energy out there to meet more people doing the same type of energy work that I'm doing, and the same journeying work. Rarely do I meet anyone who's doing both, so that alone is tres cool. I love it when a step in the right direction pops up in front of me.


  1. Karen in MAOctober 08, 2009

    I'm not stepping in any direction... just in a constant state of tripping and trying to keep my balance! lol

  2. Wonder what I'm not seeing as synchronicity? While Im not crazy about working in any office, here I am working for a writers' critique group friend in her husband's dental office. Grateful for the income (part-time and temporary), I'd like to be doing more editing work. Have been told they're pretty booked through year's end. Funny, I'm remaining calm and curious about what the universe holds for me. Still writing, but stuck at the present. Hmmmmm.

  3. Karen, I think synchronicity comes in when you trip and find the diamond earring you lost last week!

    Mom...okay, I have no answers :). Yeah, a lot of the time it's hard to see where the guidance is coming from or going to. I'm learning that sometimes we land on stepping stones--the person we meet, the thing we read, the place we are, isn't a stopping point, it's a place that turns us a different direction or sets up an energy that we need for the next move.
