Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Letting go ... again.

If you can't be replaced you can't be promoted.

If you hold on to who you were/are, you can't become what you're meant to be. Or, as I saw TWICE this week (in various ways): from Joe Dispenza: "Only when you are able to break the habit ofbeing yourself can a new self emerge." and from Wayne Dyer: (paraphrased) "If you hold on to what you've always done and been, you're arguing against your own personal growth."

Huh. When you put it that way...

It is, in a nutshell, one of my two greatest challenges. I am not so good at the letting go thing. I guess what I'm really looking for is the new to replace the old in such a way that I don't even notice the old is gone. Too bad it doesn't actually work that way.

On the other hand, it's all well and good to say I need to let go of the person I used to be (and knowing I'm really not that person...none of us are. Sometimes growth happens whether we plan it or not. We learn, we do, we experience, and it all change us.). It's a whole 'nother thing to actually consciously let go of things I'm unconsciously holding onto. Pizza, for example. Actually a good example, because it's possible that pizza is my most favorite food. And I don't eat it any more. But of all the stupid, stupid things...sometimes it pisses me off that I can't. Yes, it was a choice...more or less. The other option is so far worse that it wasn't much of a choice. Letting go of relationships/friendships/family ties...oh, those can hurt, even when you know you're doing the right thing. Especially--and I've seen friends go through exactly this--when you quit being the person everyone can rely on so that you can become the person YOU can rely on.

Sometimes personal growth hurts. But think of it like the hurt of a's gonna feel SOOOOO good later.

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