Wednesday, October 21, 2009


"You don't have to want to; you just have to be willing." Cheri Huber, on the habit of sitting (zazen).

I'm trying that with surrender. I must like being in control (or thinking I am) because it's sure difficult for me to let go and let someone/thing bigger than me be in charge.

"Thy will be done." What a supreme act of faith that is. To say to Source, you know, I've been trying, and it's working, but only a little, so how about if I shut up and listen this time. You tell me what's really going on, and I'll bring myself into alignment with that.

In other words, surrender. Go with the flow. I don't think it's the same as becoming a victim of fate, although certainly it seems that way in some people. "It was God's will that the car hit me." Well, maybe, but did you consider she might have rather you stayed in the crosswalk and looked both ways before you went for it?

On the other hand, I've been there--often--when it felt like Source was dropping bricks on my head to get my attention--that no matter what I did, it wasn't enough. And at some point, I think you have to ask yourself whether you took a wrong turn someplace. Downstream--with the flow--is a lot easier than upstream.

So I'm looking at some more things in my life and thinking that while they seemed like a good idea at the time, maybe it's time to ask someone bigger than me what they think.

I'm listening.

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