Sunday, November 8, 2009

The rest of the Secret

In Wicca, they teach that the greatest mystery of all is there is no mystery.

There is only discovery, being, (sometimes) doing. The trick is to keep those in balance. We get so busy "doing" we forget to be, and we get so busy discovering (usually intellectually) we forget to "do."

The rest of the Secret is this: thought must be followed by action. It won't -- most of the time, at least -- manifest on its own. Thought leading to intention (which is will applied to imagination) followed by observation (of opportunity, for example) will inevitably lead to action, and thus to manifestation. You can affirm all you want that you'll win the lottery, but if you don't buy a ticket....

It's like the old joke about the very pious man who got caught in a massive flood, and as the waters climbed higher, so did he, until at last he was sitting on the roof, affirming his faith in God. Two men in a boat came by, then another, then a helicopter, and to each he responded "go, help others, God will save me." Finally he was swept away by the waters and drowned. When he reached the Pearly Gates, he asked God, "why didn't you save me? I trusted, believed in you, affirmed my faith."

God's response? "I sent you two boats and a helicopter. What more did you want?"

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