Tuesday, September 13, 2011

This week's practice: miracles

This week's practice: miracles. Noticing them, accepting them.

But what's a miracle? And how do you see them? Do you see them only when they're big and obvious, and happening to someone else? Or somewhere else? What I'm getting at is this: do you only see miracles as an observer (and I don't mean observer in the Buddhist sense), and if you see them when they're engaging you, what do they involve? Money? Lucky escapes?

I think that when we look for miracles, we may or may not see more of them, but by bringing awareness to what we think are miracles, we may find out something about ourselves in the process.

I'm taking a page out of a friend's book (so to speak) and starting a 100 day miracle project. One miracle a day expected and noted (I have a miraculous Moleskine notebook set aside for this project).

But inquiring minds want to know: what do you see as a miracle?


  1. I think miracles are all around us. I see that when I look at my children. So many aspects of technology, medicine and science are miraculous. And then there are the simpler, more important miracles like falling in love.

  2. Are you aware of them as being miraculous in the moment (aside from the whole teenager-moments thing), or is it more abstract? I know for myself, when I think about technology, I tend to find the "miracle" in the abstraction, rarely in the moment of connection.
