Thursday, March 3, 2011

Shifting from physical

No, I’m not going to teach you to disappear. Even if I could (you would be more talented than I if that happened!), a blog post probably isn’t the best teaching tool for that.

Actually, what I’m talking about is shifting perception away from the structure of your physical reality—your everyday life, in other words—into a bigger picture.

I’m really combining two different processes here, but I think they mesh. We talked recently about the physical perception level, where we’re caught up in questions of survival: shelter, food, clothing, security—or as I described to my nephew during a trip to Gatorland one day, assessing for two things: dinner, or danger (eat or be eaten). Very limiting, in terms of energy. When your attention is focused on the job (or more particularly, the paycheck), doing chores, keeping the car running, etc—even including a limited (in contrast to limitless) commitment to your spiritual growth, the big picture is hard to take in.

We are at a time in our spiritual / energy evolution where we have to take in the bigger picture—if only to get through the rapidly changing physical world with some degree of clarity, but more importantly where it helps us not get stuck in one perception of what “reality ought to be.” Any time you can step back from whatever is going on in your world and take a bigger view of it, do. Shifting energy requires that we pull back from our focus on our physical surroundings, physical reality. This is the first step.

We often look at the events in our lives (or in the news) as though they’ve never happened before…and sometimes this is true. For example, take the current wave of events in the middle east. When in history have we seen this kind of sweeping change? It’s fairly clear that the events are impacted by our current state of technology, among other things, and in addition, they’re happening at a time when spiritual energy is shifting and accelerating. It would be easy to limit our understanding to a short-term historical context, but what if we look at it in the bigger picture of human evolution? What happens then? And since I’m hypersensitive to source (not Source, in this case!), I should note that among others, both James Redfield in the Celestine Prophecy (1992) and Barbara Hand Clow in The Mayan Code (2007) have spoken of this broader view of human evolution—not simply our historical or technological evolution should be taken into account, of course, but those are fairly simple examples to wrap your brain around.

PS and of course this is not to give you license to ignore your physical reality: eat good food, drink pure water, see to your health needs, etc.

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