Friday, March 4, 2011


If you could get a big enough microscope, you’d realize that there is a point of resolution at which you’d be essentially unable to determine where my hand ended and yours began, if we were touching. A bit bigger, and you’d see that the lines are blurred even when we’re standing several feet apart. And so on. Air, breath, is constantly cycling. Unless you’re living in a hermetically sealed chamber, it’s more likely than not that every breath you take is an exchange of air with someone else.

This is not to freak anyone out, or even to rephrase the spiritual note about how we’re all one. Rather, I want to focus on the fact that the reason that at some point, those physical boundaries disappear is that what we call “matter” (and what the indigenous peoples of various cultures, including the Laika of Peru, would remark as “frozen light” or “really dense light”) is mostly energy. Some force we don’t entirely understand holds it all together in shapes we recognize as our living room furniture or our best friends.

(Note: I’m watching Ghost Hunters while I’m typing this, which is lending an interesting perspective to my internal discussion on energy!) So with all this energy organizing around us, why do we find it so hard to accept that energy can be perceived, shifted, transformed? Even when we experience it with our most common (five) physical senses, we have a hard time believing it. Even with scientific (tested, and retested) validation…it must be a trick, right?

Spoonbending may be an impractical display, but what if awareness and focused attention brought healing, extra energy, or some other desirable consequence to living beings? Energy healers/workers send energy to the plants in their gardens (perhaps supplemented with quartz crystals buried in the soil); Reiki healers channel unprecedented healings to humans and animals. We accept miracles, why not accept that energy can be shifted to intentionally create those miracles?

One thing we know is that we can measure energy—we can measure the electromagnetic fields; we recognize that some people have emfs that are just wonky—these are the people who can’t run a laptop on battery and might as well leave their watches at home.

Another step in shifting perception and energy away from the physical and into the broader spirit is to concentrate on sensing/observing the energy of all beings. If you aren’t sure about trying to do this with your physical senses, start with your instincts: we have all know someone who either attracts or repels us to the point where we are instantly aware of them when they walk into a room. We can sense when someone is watching us from across a room. And so forth. This is just another form of energy sensing, so if you are familiar with this, it’s a good place to start. Begin by just noticing when you notice it, then practice noticing (you’re noticing it more easily when those energies are stronger. Practicing noticing will increase your sensitivity to less forceful energy emanations.

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