Friday, January 15, 2010

Following your heart

Okay, before we get into what I really want to say, I want to make one thing very clear: you might need a vacation.

Sometimes we get caught in the daily grind and get to a point where we’ve forgotten to take care of our Selves, our innermost beings, adequately enough. Sometimes, what’s wrong isn’t so much that something’s wrong as that we really need a break.

It seems like it shouldn’t be that way, and maybe it shouldn’t. Maybe living a life of sanity—of inspiration and enchantment and entrainment with Source should be so fulfilling, that taking a vacation really means just getting a different view to look at for a few days, because the rest of it’s going exactly the way it ought to be. It may be that most of us are somewhere in the middle—moving toward that space, but still holding our obligations and commitments in a space where they drain us and we have to recharge.

So I just wanted to make clear that just because right now things really are sucking lemons (if they are) or even if you’re just worn down, it might be that you need a different view—it doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong.

Because you are following your heart, right?

What does that mean, anyway? Like the old line “if it feels good, do it”? Isn’t that just a copout on our commitments and choices and an act of selfishness?

No. Not if it’s true. If you are truly following your heart, you had better be walking away from the things that don’t nurture you. But more, you should be walking TOWARD the things that DO. Following your heart isn’t a reaction to boredom. If your soul is restless, it’s not because the sex isn’t as good as it used to be, or the job has turned into the same old-same old. Your 9 – 5 completely mundane job at the supermarket can be as fulfilling as … oh, pick a profession. Whatever you think is glamorous. It doesn’t matter. Because unless your heart is telling you “be a doctor,” who cares if you pay the bills by bandaging knees or pay them by selling bandages? If your path and your passion is writing mystical poetry, spend what time you can writing mystical poetry, and the rest of it finding inspiration.

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